Behavior Course Program
Human Focus Bali
The first Certified Behavior Program in Indonesia and Southeast Asia for your Industry!
It’s well noted that habit to form character of every person is the configuration of constant behavior besides his/her trait. in fact, a good behavior of is the key for the professional performance at environment or at the workplace.
People often saying or complaining about person with a typical annoying or disruptive behavior at the workplace and the most common question is : “can you change your behavior or can we change his stereotype behavior?” Some people might say “well, it’s difficult!” and some people might say “we can do it but HOW??”
Obviously, a behavior cannot be changed easily unless you know how to apply some appropriate techniques of intervention.
Certified Behavior credential is commonly practices in Europe and America for education and disability related purpose but less in industries.
It’s expected that professional staffs in the industry should be equipped with the knowledge of behaviorism in order to analyse, guide and provide an intervention for the problematic behaviors that may occur at the workplace.
Our two different levels of courses of Behavior Program teaches students methods to develop effective interventions to address a wide array of problem behaviors across industries, workplace and educational settings from comprehensive bio-psychological perspective.
Grounded in the best practices and scientific approach, the program examines the specific and comprehensive use of behavior modification principle and techniques. It also places emphasis on behavior analytic, intervention, neuro-semantic and/or neuro-holistic programming for brain’s language.
The candidate of this course should hold at least bachelor degree in Psychology, Health, Human Resources or relevant studies.
The participants are required to present an essay thesis, and attend two different final examinations at the end of the course. After this successful course, the participant will earn the legal credential as Certified Behavior Programming, and become the member of our Behavioral Studies Club with membership card to avail our regular coaching and upgrade training.